Golden Souls
Every so often a soul you encounter is golden. Untainted by the world and pure in the heart. Today we live in a society where genuineness is over looked and under appreciated. Everyone wants to be the "real thing" and accepted by people who could care less to recognize the soul within. Don't be like people. Sometimes you have to recognize when you "aint it". Golden souls aren't something you can learn to have... Golden souls are in you and not on you. The Golden soul is the one who walks in the room and owns it without trying or desiring to, the golden soul is often the person you call on in your time of need. The Golden soul is the provider of great energy, level headedness and sense of peace. Golden souls keep us grounded and are our lights in darkness. Golden souls are guided by love and strengthened when able to strengthen someone else. This world lacks Golden souls so when you encounter one embrace it, love it and learn from it. Your blessed to be in the presence of such greatness. And if your that golden soul may The Most High continue to bless you and guide you with purpose, heavy is the head who wears the crown.. we don't believe in burdens of the spirit because we have been chosen and blessed with a gift. Embrace it. Love it. LIVE IT.
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