My GLOW hits different..
August 25, 2021

My GLOW hits different..

What does the word glow mean to you? For us it’s deeper then the way the sun may bounce off your skin.. to glow means to really be in touch with your spirit. To understand YOU and the things in life you want. What moments throughout the day are your glow moments? Your moments of self reflection, self love and self dedication are your glow moments… for me my glow moments happen mostly while bathing or in the shower. That’s the time I can relax, reflect, revamp and re-energize. In order for this glow moment to be its best I need the proper products to put me in my zone… our “Spa Kit” comes with a bath soak infused with melatonin, herbs and pure epsom salt providing the ultimate relaxation, in addition to the bath suds and bath oil this kit will definitely send your mind and body on a higher level of GLOW. If I choose to shower instead my go to is our aromatherapy shower Bombs! The scent with the steam from the shower just sends my mind on a power trip, in that moment I’m so confident in all that I am and all that I aspire to be, as I manifest my destiny the mango vanilla body wash sends my emotions on a journey to conquer all things set before me… rinsing off any feeling of defeat I coat my body in our soft skin shower oil that’s my layer of protection… keeping my thoughts confident and clear I’m ready to move through my day without fear..  a real GLOW MOMENT… I promise your glow hits different when it comes from within.. the outside glow is just a bonus… try any of these products to experience your own personal glow moment.. and make them last by subscribing to that product to get your monthly refill!! We even have a sample subscription box available where you can get samples of different products each month for JUST $25!!! Come get your glow!! Thank us later 😉