April 26, 2021


Black man we love you! The black man is a BEAST! 
he is strong, he is brave, he is courageous, he is a provider, he is fearless, and he is fruitful. Beastin’ ain’t easy but someone has to do it. Our men are needed and looked up to. Too often there’s a lack of communication  of love between the woman and the man. A woman’s purpose on earth is man. Yes I said it! Women were created to help men. That’s our purpose on this earth. Men lead and we follow. As a leader sometimes your crown may get heavy. But we are here to remind you of who you are! You are a King, you are a God and your family depends on YOU to Beast through the toughest situations. The weight of the world for men can be unbearable.. a feeling I could never understand as a woman. But I was placed on this Earth to ease that pain, with love. To BEAST is to be good at what you do! Black man we are so proud of you! For overcoming every adversity and every odd placed against you. Still you rise! Like the sun you shine. To love you is a honor! Keep BEASTIN King 👑